Poor Girl, Rich World

20 something girl with the budget of a student and the wants of a lady who lunches trying to strike a happy medium.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Lovely Lazy Tuesday

Sometimes there is no better way to spend a day than waking up late, having a long deli lunch with an old friend, bad TV and the hopes of drinking into the early hours.  Ahh how I love vacation days.

As I wind up a long and fantastic 2 weeks holiday vacation in Michigan I can't help but get a little antsy to make my way back home. 

I would say the only way this day could be anymore relaxing are with a few of my favorite things:

A lovely fully body massage

Sitting (or laying) on a beautiful warm, white sandy beach

Taking a long, hot bath while reading a good book

Cuddling with my boy

The delicious mint chocolate truffel by the chocolate decadence that is Godiva (Doesn't your mouth just water just looking at it?)

Just an hour of one or all of these things is enough to boost anyone's mood.

What do you say, what would make this day for you?

Monday, December 28, 2009

Allow me to introduce myself

These are my first written words on the my first posted blog!

As an introduction to myself, I thought I would start with showcasing the things I prefer to change.  It is that time of year where we create the new years resolutions as a hope to make ourselves feel just a bit better for not being so great last year.

Here we go:
1. Lose the dreaded 15lbs.

I have a gym in the basement of my aptartment and access to tae bo and personal yoga tapes that I can do in my room.  There are no excuses, I just need to get over the bitch in my life that is procrastination.  Where it isn't necessarily weight I need to lose, I am in some major need of toning and re-establishing my flexibility.

2. Write on my new blog!  Wahoo!

First I will probably need to get aquainted with the inner workings of a blog.  I have been starting a morning tradition of checking out my favorite blogs but when it comes to making my own, I have a lot of learnings to do (think Ricky Ricardo talking to Lucy)

3. Work harder on getting my life together

I am right now in the go-between.  I am currently cutting down hours at my day job (I am the executive assistant to the director a non-profit healthcare company and work special projects on organizing internal communication.  Come January 11 I will be starting an internship program through George Washington University Semester in Washington: Journalism and Media.  I graduated in 2008 with a Bachelors in Philosophy from Michigan State (Go Spartans) with hopes of going to Law School.  When that idea when to the birds, I moved to DC in hopes of making my life and I realized that I am now in uncharted terriority.  I have officially joined the millions of "I have no idea what the hell I want to be when I grow up anymore".  It is scary and I am not a fan of it one bit.

For those out in bloggers land, what are you plans for the New Decade?  Did you keep your resolutions from last year?