Poor Girl, Rich World

20 something girl with the budget of a student and the wants of a lady who lunches trying to strike a happy medium.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

::Cough Cough:: I think I'm sick

I don't know if it is stress, the absolute laziness I have encountered due to a lovely new visitor (thanks, Aunt Flo; way to welcome the New Year) or if that cold everyone around me has had finally caught me.

So 1 week in to 2010 and I have yet to work on any of my goals for the year.  That is very sad.  I feel like such a whiner, but it is my own fault.  Bad Talia, bad bad Talia.

But things will (hopefully) change.  Tomorrow I will start a workout plan by joining some co-workers in a little Insanity workout.  Yippee, look what I am getting myself into: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9zWkzF32ZU&feature=related.  Maybe this will be the kick in the ass I need to get things started.  Then I can parlay tomorrow's workout to the next day with a nice, fresh home cooked meal instead of this wham, bam super fast, convenient meals which I have become accustomed.

The bright spot this week has been and will always be the lovely boy (baby, take a bow) and my friends.  I had a little girls night yesterday.

For funsies we saw a sneak of Leap Year.

Although both Amy Adams are absolutely adorable by themselves, together there as little chemistry which made for quite a forgettable movie.

For tonight's entertainment I am lucky enough to enjoy the sneak peak of Lovely Bones with Carolyn, whom I haven't seen since for quite some time.

Oh how I love girls' night!

How do you like to spend a night with your favorite ladies?